Welcome to Derby United Soccer Club

Sponsorship Information
As volunteer coaches, we are always striving to find ways to keep our teams competitive with the latest equipment while also minimizing league and tournament fees for our players. Our organization operates as a private charity recognized by the IRS, enabling donors to benefit from tax deductions.
1. Direct Monetary Contributions –
The frequency and amount of these contributions offer flexibility tailored to individual teams or the entire club, ensuring businesses can support our mission of developing both soccer skills and life skills in kids.
Bronze – $100-$750 (Targeted Equipment Sponsorship)
Silver – $750-$2000 (Tournament and/or Team Sponsorship)
Gold – $5000-7000 (Wide Scale Club Sponsorship)

2. Jersey Logo Sponsorship –
Gain prime exposure for your brand during matches by sponsoring our jerseys. Your support not only boosts brand recognition but also helps sustain our club’s activities.
**Prices displayed are per team. Please coordinate directly with the coach of your preferred team for sponsorship opportunities.

A big thank you to our present and past sponsors!
For any inquiries, reach out to one of our coaches or email us at derbyunitedsoccer@gmail.com